Road Testing
We had our code set up and now we needed to figure out what values the accelerometer gave under different braking loads. With the arduino board and accelerometer plugged into the computer I could see the values it was reading with the sensor value code and the "serial monitor" feature. The testing was done in a 1989 Honda EF Civic. My project partner drove at 50 km/h and braked to a stop 3 times, once at a slow rate, once heavy, and one emergency stop. I videoed the readings so that it could be reviewed and the threshold value determined. Below shows a screenshot of the lowest readings from the 3 different braking scenarios. When cruising at 50 km/h the sensor was showing reading around 340 for reference.
This photo shows the values given under normal braking conditions. The lowest value given was 315.
This photo shows the values given under heavy braking conditions. The lowest value given was 295.
This photo shows the values given under emergency braking conditions. The lowest value given was 284.
From this testing we determined that the threshold for when the brake lights should flash was below 290. we figured this would be accurate with most cars as well since the car we were using was quite old and had no ABS.
This photo shows the values given under normal braking conditions. The lowest value given was 315.
This photo shows the values given under heavy braking conditions. The lowest value given was 295.
This photo shows the values given under emergency braking conditions. The lowest value given was 284.
From this testing we determined that the threshold for when the brake lights should flash was below 290. we figured this would be accurate with most cars as well since the car we were using was quite old and had no ABS.
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